Renewing your health, Naturally.

Optimizing Health & Wellness Through Nutrition And A Balanced Lifestyle.

Adam Atkins, Integrative Nutrition Health Coach

After my wife and I were diagnosed with multiple health conditions in our mid twenties and the traditional treatments were not working, I started researching natural and alternative ways to identify and combat the root cause of the symptoms. After successfully treating my wife’s thyroid issues with an anti-inflammatory diet and subsequently correcting my own blood sugar disorder in a similar fashion, my passion to do this for others became clear.

For the past fifteen years I have been researching alternative therapies, diet modification and supplementation. In 2012 we moved out to a pristine parcel of untouched land south of Kansas City to start a market farm and grow as much of our food as possible and I can honestly say that we are healthier at 42 years old than we were at 32. It’s truly amazing what a lifestyle change can do and how much has been learned along the way. I quickly found a passion for talking with our farmers market customers about healthy food and the nutritional values of the clean natural produce we provided.

The next logical step was enrolling at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition and received my INHC Health Coaching Certification. Now, my mission is to pass on over a decade of research, education and personal experience to my clients.

There are many health issues individuals deal with that can be greatly reduced or eliminated with simple, easy to follow dietary and lifestyle changes. Things such as (but not limited to):

Weight Loss

Blood Sugar Irregularities / Insulin Resistance

Brain Fog / Low Energy

Inflammatory and Immune Disorders

Gut Health

Poor Sleep Patterns

Client Services Offered

Full Circle Health and Nutrition offers a 12 session, bi-weekly program.

The consultation is free and sessions begin once you’ve decided to join the program. Some of the services offered in the program include:

-Dietary guidance and pantry cleanouts.

-Breathing techniques for reducing stress

-Trips to the grocery store of your choice to find healthy alternatives to your favorite foods. Also, education on how to read labels and what ingredients to avoid and which ones to look for.

-Education on smart supplementation.

-Trips to the farmers market in your area (in season)

-Tips for exercise and fitness that will meet you where you are currently, not intensive personal training.

-Recipe and meal ideas to incorporate the worlds healthiest foods into your diet in a delicious and fun way.  

-Home Gardening tutorials (as an add on service) to guide you in successfully growing your own healthy fruits and vegetables using your available space (in season)

There are several other coaching/training services not listed that are available, based on the individual, and their specific goals.

If you would like to set up a free consultation please contact me. You will be sent a basic health history form that we can review together either in person, by phone or online. The initial consult is free. My scope of practice is in the Kansas City metro area, as well as Overland Park and Lee’s Summit. Having a broad knowledge of the health and wellness resources in this region, any of the available therapies recommended I have personally tested and can attest to the effectiveness of the treatments as well as the ethics and credentials of the providers.

816-377-3893 Cell (Monday – Friday 9am-6pm)

Get in touch

Don’t hesitate to reach out with questions about your health concerns, I’m happy to help.

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